Certificate Authorities

WebTrust Compliance CSA Matter WInnForum CBRS CableLabs DOCSIS ENTERPRISE CA


Building your in-house PKI/CA presents challenges in terms of expertise, resources, time, security risks, compliance, scalability, and business continuity. It requires specialized knowledge, significant investments, and meticulous planning to develop and maintain the necessary infrastructure. Engaging a PKI/CA provider, like CommScope, can offer a more efficient and secure solution, leveraging our expertise and infrastructure while alleviating the burdens of building and managing your in-house PKI/CA.

CommScope's PKI infrastructure is managed by experienced security professionals who possess extensive expertise in operating certificate authorities in compliance with industry standards. We hold the WebTrust compliance certification, which attests to our adherence to industry-recognized security and privacy standards. Additionally, we provide a range of services that include:

  • CSA Matter PAAs & PAIs for secure and trusted communication between smart home IoT devices and applications.
  • WInnForum CBRS root of trust, enabling secure access to the Citizens Broadband Radio Service spectrum.
  • CableLabs DOCSIS 4.0/3.1/3.0, DPoE & OpenCable compliance, supporting the secure deployment of cable-based networks and devices.
  • Private and enterprise CAs for organizations seeking to establish their own trusted certificate authority within their network environment.

These qualifications and services demonstrate our commitment to delivering robust and trusted PKI solutions to our clients, ensuring the highest levels of security and compliance.

WebTrust Compliance

CommScope certificate authorities are annually audited by an independent WebTrust-accredited auditor, to ensure compliance with all of the WebTrust security, accounting, audit trail, confidentiality, business, and legal requirements. CommScope CA security deploys additional hardware and procedural security controls that go beyond WebTrust security requirements. Our certificate policy fully complies with the latest WebTrust and IETF standards and is available online.

BDO WebTrust Seal For CA BDO WebTrust Seal For BR SSL BDO WebTrust Seal For Network Security

CSA Matter PAA & PAI Services

In the CSA Matter ecosystem, PAAs (product attestation authorities) and PAIs (Product Attestation Intermediates) are root and intermediate certificate authorities that issue DACs (device attestation certificates) for Matter devices. CommScope provides secure and cost-efficient Vendor-scoped and Non-VID Scoped PAAs as well as company specific PAIs services and issues DACs to Matter device manufacturers. For more information, see our CSA Matter services page.

WInnForum CBRS Roots of Trust

CommScope serves as a trusted root of trust certificate authority for the WInnForum CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service). We can issue device or subordinate CA certificates, including for CBSD access points, domain proxies, and SASs. For more information, see our CBRS page.

WInnForum Approved

CableLabs DOCSIS Keys and Certificates

DOCSIS is a pivotal technology that brought high-speed internet to the world. Its security is critical in protecting network integrity and user privacy. CommScope is a trusted provider of DOCSIS keys and certificates from the early days of DOCSIS to now. For more information, see our DOCSIS page.

Private/Enterprise Certificate Authorities

CommScope's existing proven certificate authority infrastructure and audited operational procedure are perfect for hosting private or enterprise CAs. Such CAs can be customized for applications such as 5G, TLS, IPSec, and more. For details, see our enterprise CA page.

WebTrust Audited CommScope Certificate Authorities